Transformational Teacher Training in Uganda

The Effective Teaching and Learning Series (ETLS) teacher training course has been transformational for educators in many parts of the world with teachers and school leaders learning what it is to teach excellently from a Biblical world view.

Juliet Galiwango, the National Director for New Hope International Uganda has shared about their recent training seminars in 3 different schools in Uganda. The training was on the ETLS Foundations Course. The impact was amazing in all the schools.

“The training we had over the past weekend at Agape School was also very impactful! My nephews and nieces go to that school and have given me feedback that their teachers are now very good to them and have stopped using corporal punishments!”
National Director, Juliet

Additionally, Lawrence, the School Director, was amazed at the training he received,

“I've never had such a training in my 15 years as a teacher and leader!”
School Director, Lawrence

We thank God for such a transforming ministry! We are looking forward to impacting more educators in Africa with Global Connect through New Hope International

Training at Agape Nursery & Primary School on the 25th February 2023. 

Five teachers surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ.

Training at Glory Light School - Naluvule on the 26th & 27th January 2023.

Training at Simeka Junior school on the 11th February 2023.

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